FREE PATTERN: For the Birds

Hello Friends – this is a follow-up post to my Birdhouse Neighborhood post from yesterday. Yeap – For the Birds is another free-to-use pattern using the same Tweet As Can Be fabric collection, a newly released line by Benartex!

I designed For the Birds with tweens, teens, and college kids in mind!  I thought the contemporary and easily constructed blocks would make a fun bed quilt, especially with the “slatted” effect from cutting the same fabric within a block in different widths.

High Res_Design 2c_78 x 98

Click here to view Tweet As Can Be fabrics.

Click here to download the free to use pattern instructions.

Time is running out on a couple of projects on which I am working.  So, I’d better get going for now. I hope you have liked the designs I have done using the Tweet As Can Be fabrics.

So curious mind is wondering if you have a favorite bird.  I think mine would be the cardinal! And of course, you can see a couple of cardinal projects I have done in the past here, and here.

Thanks for stopping by!


[My free to use designs from previous years are listed under “FREE PATTERNS” on the side bar.]

January: A Red Letter Day using Seeing Red (Benartex)

January: Star Struck using Caryl’s Feathers (Benartex)

February: Happy Home House Quilt (Quilting Treasures)

February: Happy Home Runner (Quilting Treasures)

February: Happy Home Throw Quilt (Quilting Treasures)

February: Farmville using Green Farms (Benartex)

February: Zoey’s Flowerbed using Zoey (Benartex)

March: Camp Cozy Quilt (Quilting Treasures)

March: Pretty Little Houses using Tango (Benartex)

March: Ariel (Quilting Treasures)

March: Flutter B’s using Butterfly Effect (Benartex)

April:  Baby Bunny using Bunny Hop (Benartex)

April: Yuki (Hoffman Fabrics)

April: Shimmering Constellations using Gold Standard (Benartex)

April: Bonjour (Quilting Treasures)

April: Baby Boutique (Quilting Treasures)

May: High Speed Racer using Vroom (Benartex)

May: Flower-Scapes using Blue Paradise / Sundrenched (Benartex)

May: Rusty’s Sleeping Hollow using Rusty & Friends (Benartex)

May: Christine’s Rose Garden using Christine (Benartex)

June: Treeline Drive (Hoffman Fabrics)

June: Frosty the Snowman (Quilting Treasures)

June: Jolly Old St. Nick (Quilting Treasures)

July: Memento (Hoffman Fabrics)

July: Monkey Business (Quilting Treausres)

July: Dream Blossom (Hoffman Fabrics)

August:  Birdhouse Neighborhood using Tweet As Can Be (Benartex)

August: For the Birds using Tweet As Can Be (Benartex)

8 thoughts on “FREE PATTERN: For the Birds

  1. Thank you Wendy for sharing yet another free pattern! My favorite bird has to be the hummingbird. They are so tiny, quick and colorful! I have a beautiful purple vitex bush outside my kitchen window so I get to watch them feed on the blossoms while I cook or do dishes.

  2. I know people generally like cute birds, but since moving to the country I am growing very fond of crows. They hang around together and talk to each other, warn each other of danger and are extremely smart. They search for food and let the other crows know when they find something. We call them the tattletales. They see everything that’s going on.

  3. My favorite bird is the cardinal. They are so beautiful. I do like my hummingbirds too. One time we saw a painted bunting in our yard and we used to have an indigo bunting but haven’t seen that one. I like to put out feed for the birds but the raccoons come at night and empty them so now I have to take them in to the sunroom at night. Stinkers!

  4. Like fabric, every bird I see is my favorite… I was privileged to see several flocks of cedar waxwings early this spring, winter finds my feeders full of woodpeckers of all varieties, chickadees, titmice, the occasional nuthatch, and cardinals. We, too, have bluebird houses all over the farm, and each house had a clutch this year. Goldfinches are at the winter feeders and on the sunflowers in summer. The pastures are the home of meadowlarks. Baby quail look like balls of fluff on toothpicks, and baby killdeer look like puffballs on stilts–they are too cute! The mockingbirds sing all day long with the cardinals in summer as well. I had orioles both Baltimore and Orchard at the feeder outside my sewing room window this spring. The crows are funny as they call to each other, and the turkey buzzards soar around on the thermals like gliders. Occasionally we see a bald eagle. There are great blue and green herons around the ponds looking for small fish and frogs. In the woods we may see the occasional pilieated woodpecker–the model for Woody. There are more… flickers, buntings–indigo and painted (a rare sight), barn swallows, owls, hawks of various varieties… Do you know how many varieties of sparrows you can see? I think the white crowned look like they are wearing racing helmets, and the yellow crowned has “headlights”. I have seven hummingbird feeders around the house, and each one has birds swirling and diving around them. Some evenings there are at least 100 little jewels! Several years ago, we had a rare yellow cardinal feeding with the other birds during a winter snow. He stayed around about three weeks; and then he was gone.

  5. I know this sounds like a cop out, but I just love them all. I’ve been an active birder for several years and delight in every bird I observe. Although I see my backyard birds every day during the summer, they tickle me pink each and every day. It makes my heart sing to be out on the trail or by the waters edge and spot birds I don’t see every day. Of course, my favorite time of year is the spring when all the warblers return to the northern states. I’ve learned to bird by ear, making that much more fun! Love this quilt, the fabrics, and your blog!

  6. Fun pattern. Might be a great one for a High School Graduate. Favorite bird, hmmmm, I love seeing all that come to our feeders in the backyard. Picking a favorite, I love the beauty of the cardinals. Think that we have a small family in the forest behind our home. I also love the Goldfinches. We had an aviary full of Zebras Finches at our former home. Definitely have a fondness for those little critters.

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