Thread Talk from my Sewing Machine #28

Heike Weber is a German artist who draws  with markers on walls and floors to create interesting wall and floor patterns.  When I saw pictures of the artist’s work, I have one thought on my mind…. (the following pictures are all from the artist’s website)

….. yeah, QUILTING!  A few thoughts…

1.  Inspiration for quilting motifs is everywhere.  Our “quilting feelers” just need to be trained to be a bit more sensitive!

2.  It’s all about the texture.  Quilting motifs don’t always have to be quilted perfectly — go for the texture.

3.  When you run out of paper to practice drawing your quilting motif, don’t be shy, draw on your walls and your floors!  What visual effects you will have in your home.  Oh, while you are at it, do it Weber-style, use permanent markers!! The youngens in your family will absolutely LOVE you! ;)  I am looking for a quilter who dares to be the one who practices her quilting motif by drawing on her formal dining room wall!!!

Happy Quilting, everyone!  Thanks for stopping by.

13 thoughts on “Thread Talk from my Sewing Machine #28

  1. I thought quilting too, lol! I actually had a cousin who wrote all over her walls – pictures and words everywhere – I loved it, but the rest of the family was horrified and ready to commit her. I said no, she has art in her soul and it has to come out some where!

  2. These actually reminded me of “Zentangles” drawings which is something I want to do as part of a project next year. Adding this to my idea folder. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Well it won’t be me putting it on my walls altho I do want to tack up a bit of muslin & draw daily journal pictures ala Susan Shie style sometime. But I would love to try to try to replicate this beautiful wavy style for filler on a quilt.

  4. What a fun thing you’ve shared. I had no idea… but then I’m always amazed at the stuff people come up with. And I’m more impressed than most people because I never have an original idea. God certainly gifted people in different ways. Thanks for showing us this original work.

  5. I love it. We painted my teenage daughter’s bedroom periwinkle and then she and her friends drew and wrote all over it. She wrote some good messages and some good sayings and then a bunch of whatever. Her friends would all come over and autograph her wall, also.

    She has moved out and we have now painted over it–in case we decide to sell. But everyone was amazed that I let allowed her to do that. I would just shrug and tell them a little paint will get rid of it.

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