Year in Review #1: The Quilter

Hi Friends!  I hope you had a blessed Christmas.  Thank you for your Christmas wishes.  I haven’t had to time to go through all of them, but hopefully soon.  I will be doing “Year in Review” posts for the rest of the year.

The following are my quilts that appeared in The Quilter this year.  Please click on links to view more pictures of individual quilts.

1.  Americana Florals (December 2010/January 2011)

2.  Hot Chili Peppers (December 2010/January 2011)

3.  Duckie Crossing (February/March 2011)

4.  Nestlings (April/May 2011)

5.  Purple Mariposa (April/May 2011)

6.  Ring of Flowers (April/May 2011)

7.  Around the Bend (June/July 2011)

8.  Spice Garden (August/September 2011)

9.  Mums the Word (October/November 2011)

10.  Coxcomb and Berries (December 2011/January 2012)

11. Winter Bouquet (December 2011/January 2012)


Thanks for stopping by!  I hope you have a lovely day!


22 thoughts on “Year in Review #1: The Quilter

  1. Hi Wendy…thanks for the nice trunk show of “the Quilter” quilts! They are lovely. Voted for Winter Bouquet but Coxcombs and Currants is my other favorite.
    Tell us…how does the Tuscany silk batt compare to the wool batt? Does wool have more loft? Does silk lay flatter like thin cotton batts?
    have a lovely week!
    donna j from kansas

  2. You certainly were very busy this past year. I know more are coming from the other magazines.
    Hope you had a delightful Christmas too with your precious little girl.
    Happy New Year.

  3. My favorite????? That was a hard choice to make! Just to pick ‘one’ favorite. I loved all of them, each had something special about them. Thank you, Wendy, for being such a great inspiration to all of us on this side of our computer screens. I had a nice gift arrive on Christmas Eve afternoon – – – the Panasonic iron was delivered to my front door. How neat! Love it and again thank you. I toast you and your family to continue having a blessed New Year.

  4. So hard to pick just one but “Nestlings” got my vote. The quilting is awesome in all of the quilts but seems to add an especially great dimension to that particular quilt. Blessings!

  5. I had two favorites, couldn’t decide which but voted for Nestlings. The other was Winter Bouquet, was surprised when I saw the voting so far. I would like to know about the silk batting myself.
    I have a silk jacket made of sari fabrics that I wore-out! I mean that literally, had to stop wearing because it was thread bare. Would love finding more of that fabric. The batting that was in the jacket was so lightweight but warm, and had very silky feeling to it. It looked similar to the synthetic batting we have but completely different. Everyone I knew who knew anything about quilitng; I asked if they knew what the batting was, everyone was as puzzled as I was. The jacket now is about fifteen years old, I have it under my quilitng table, have thought about recycling the jacket and using it as a foundation for another jacket because I didn’t know where to find the batting and the sari silks . It’s no.1 on my bucket list of sewing projects!

  6. I went & voted. I like them all basically, but voted for Coxcomb & Berries-I think it was the buttons that put this one over the top for me! Hard to choose between all of them though!

  7. Greeting Wendy, I voted for Nestlings, your quilting is outstanding and be seen clearly on this beautiful quilt. ;-) Thanks for sharing all of them.
    Have a healthy and happy 2012.

    warm regards, Debby

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