Year End in Review #5: Fabric Trends and a recap and a thank you!

Hello Friends,  we are swiftly approaching the end of the year…. I thought I would quickly show you three features I had in this year’s Fabric Trends.  Being featured in Fabric Trends is a first for me!  For your information, Fabric Trends has changed its name to Quilt Trends starting 2012.  Go to their website – they have some really chic and fresh looking quilts!

1.  Love Grows (Spring, issue 29)

2.  Tuscan Leaves (Fall, issue 31)

3.  Bedazzled (Fall, issue 31)


I think I have had the busiest year I have ever had in my life!  This year has seen a relocation for me.  You probably go “Huh?  I hadn’t read about it on your blog.”  No, you hadn’t because I never blogged about it.   So far, our little family has settled in the new place quite well.

We have also been part of joyous celebrations, as well as sorrowful happenings.  It is part of life — whether in joy or sorrow, we try to make the most of it, knowing that God is in control of all.


It would be remiss of me to not express my heartfelt gratitude to all my faithful readers and friends as the year draws to a close.  THANK YOU to all of you for all your encouraging comments and emails!  Words cannot express how much your correspondence means to me… so often, they were just what I needed at a moment in time.  I look forward to sharing 2012 with you, and am honored that you would walk 2012 with me!  My love and blessings to all of you!

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17 thoughts on “Year End in Review #5: Fabric Trends and a recap and a thank you!

  1. Lovely quilts, again. I liked the Bedazzled quilt very much. Love Robyn Pandolph fabrics! you have been incredibly busy this year.
    happy new home to you! and happy new year!
    donna j from kansas
    ps….the cherry blossoms photo was just gorgeous!

  2. Finally! I am back online. Let’s just hope my computer stays up and running.

    I want you to know that I think you are one of the most talented people I know, Wendy. Not only your quilts, but your writing. You should be very, very proud of your accomplishments and also the major accomplishment of raising such a beautiful young daughter. That is the greatest job in the world, the most important one, because they are not young for long. Suddenly, they are all grown up and out of the house with children of their own so enjoy every minute. I realized this with Clement this Christmas. Last year (even last spring), he was a little boy. Now, suddenly, he is almost a teen! He’s so grown up and going through puberty. And Cecelia found out about Santa this year, so she is growing up, too. It all happens too, too fast.

    We had a good Christmas (hectic), and I hope you had a good one as well. I am so out of touch.

    Sending you all good wishes for a Happy and Wonderful 2012!


    Sheila :-)

  3. All those absolutely gorgeous accomplishments and a move too?! You are my hero!! ;-) I am always thrown for a loop when we have to move. Hoping your 2012 is filled with all good things! Thank you for all the inspiration!

  4. It is we that are so privileged & honored that you’d share your talents, musings and inspiration with us! The quilts are beautiful, but the cherry blossoms are truly spectacular in their own right! Perhaps you could do them up in fabric next year? Wouldn’t that be pretty!!

    I’m so glad I’ve stumbled upon your blog & I can’t wait to see what you do & where you take us in 2012!!

  5. I have really enjoyed reading your blog this year. You are an amazing quilter and a very nice person to boot. Have a wonderful New Year.

  6. I just can’t believe you have moved and completed all these quilts this year. You are amazing as well as a mentor to me. You are most helpful in more ways than you can imagine.
    Thanks for sharing all your quilts/accomplishments this yr. I sure have enjoyed all of them. I love the Tuscan quilt–Our home is a Tuscan Design in NM. But I have boxes, painting and many things that have to be done to this house before I can think of getting my sewing room organized. Many happy blessings for you this year and we know that God is in controll of all we do and pray that we honor Him in everyway. Happy New Year

  7. I just want to say “thank you” for the year of inspiration you’ve given me. I joined the 2012 FMQ challange because I’ve learned so much after reading your blog. Your generosity is as amazing as your creativity! I’m so looking forward to next year. Thank you Wendy and may you and your family enjoy a blessed and prosperous new year!

  8. It is a joy to come and visit your blog, Wendy. You are an inspiration to all of us. I am pretty certain that you must be super human and in need of no sleep with all that you accomplish, but we get the thrill of enjoying it all.

    Many blessings to you and your family in 2012.

  9. Happy New year to you Wendy. It was a pleasure to browse thru your blog with lots of inspiration and tips…thank you so much for keeping us motivating with your hardwork…looking forward for more creative 2012…

  10. Happy New Year to you and your family Wendy. My quilting life is so much richer now you are in it. You are such an inspiration. Keep up the good work in 2012 – always enjoy your blog posts!!xx

  11. I think you’re the busiest person I know, Wendy! You are truly amazing, girl. ALL of your quilts are just so beautiful, and I get such a thrill when I open a magazine and see your name! Happy New Year, sweetie!!!

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