Machine Embroidery & Giveaway Announcement

Hello Friends!  I hope this post finds you well.   Life has been crazy at my end, but I can’t complain.  The only thing I wish for is some extra time.  I managed to get started on a little play dress for Miss Baby this week… only getting started, mind you. :)  I appliqued an elephant by machine embroidery (many thanks to Twila who helped me find the perfect elephant) to go with the zoo themed fabric I found.  Will share more when I get the dress done.  You can see here the ingredients that are going into the play dress.

On the public announcement front, Patchwork Posse is featuring moi (yours truly) in Rugs & Runners Online Workshop.  There is a giveaway for two free workshops going on right now – check out the giveaway at Patchwork Posse, and good luck! :)

Have a terrific weekend, dear Friends!  See you again Monday!

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