Mary Wigham: Part 6


This week, my Mary Wigham is being inspected by two Dutch inspectors:


They weren’t too impressed with my progress because I am still stuck in Part 1 of 9, while this week marks the week for Part 7 of the installment for the Wigham chart.  They definitely didn’t buy into all the excuses I had for my slow progress, save for the one that I said I enjoy savoring every single stitch, even if it is at snail pace.  With that, they were slightly placated:


In my last attempt to impress upon these inspectors that I was really trying my best, I told them what a doozie it was to stitch this floral motif.  I went into the gross details of how I had to undo some stitches in certain areas multiple times just so that I can be true to the original.  I mean, I could have fudged, but I didn’t… what did that get me?  Nothing!  The inspectors said not a word in response:


With that, I am going to end my Mary update for this week.  If you have enjoyed Mary as much as I do, whether you are stitching or not, I hope you would consider donating to the funds to preserve Mary for the next 200 years.  You may click here to donate via the paypal account set up for the purpose.  Thank you in advance for donating to Mary’s “dowry”!   Thank you for popping by.  I wish you a great day!

12 thoughts on “Mary Wigham: Part 6

  1. Everything is so gorgeous! Did you get my reply about transferring my stitchery? I use a light table and a brown micron pen (.05). Have a great day!

  2. It looks gorgeous!! Tell the inspectors that it’s more fun to savour each stitch and enjoy the process than race for the finish line! :-)

  3. LOL! @ your Dutch inspectors! Please don’t send them to me. They’ll definitely admonish me to no end! :p

    You’re doing great on Mary, I’m not influenced by the Dutch inspectors’ review :)

  4. In answer to your question…I am ashamed to say I haven’t picked my stitching up since Christmas. :oops: I had laid it aside then to get to all the extra Christmas tasks and just haven’t picked it up again. I’ve been using my evenings, when I usually worked on it, to clip coupons, go through old magazines, etc. Plus — I usually worked on it while watching TV in the evenings, and there hasn’t been much to watch this summer, so I’ve spent more time on the computer or reading. But I need to get back in the swing of it.

  5. I have seen this on the web and am amazed at all the work that must go into this!

    And you may not be working quickly on this — but wow. your work is so intricate and beautiful! A project that must/will be treasured for years to come.

  6. Your progress on Mary is so nice. The colors you’re using for this are so pretty! And I love your Dutch inspectors. But ignore them – take your time and enjoy stitching this beauty!

  7. Don’t feel alone…I just finished Part 1 a couple days ago, so the inspectors would be giving me the “evil eye” also!! Don’t let them discourage you…it looks great so far :)

  8. Fabulous progress! It’s ok to take your time and relish in it. I still haven’t started…soon though, very soon. Be careful with those Dutch inspectors…they are very tough!

  9. Mary is looking wonderful. Another beautiful sampler to add to your collection. I love the inspectors, BTW. After you finish your quilting commitments, it won’t take you long to catch up.

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