Cascade of Leaves in QUILTER’S WORLD (October 2010)

Hello Friends, it’s great to have you visit again! My Cascade of Leaves quilt is officially featured in Quilter’s World‘s October 2010 issue!

You may remember these fabrics from months ago:

These fabrics from Benartex‘s Silk Road Collection turned into this quilt:

I loved working with these fabrics because they give the interpretation of fall colors a rather exotic look:

Here are some close-ups of the leaves. I can see these leaves by themselves on a throw pillow. I might have to make some to go with the quilt.

The overall feather quilting is comprised of machine embroidered feathers (stitched with Isacord machine embroidery thread), and free-motion quilted filler feathers (stitched with YLI Silk 100 thread) :

Again, I used Hobbs‘ Tuscany Wool Batt for the batting. It made my quilt lay nice and cuddly and soft despite being densely quilted:

Thanks for stopping by.  I wish you a lovely fall season!

“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” – Genesis 8:22