Mary Wigham: Part 7


I have been imagining how Mary would have stitched her sampler. Jacqueline of Needleprint has already indicated that these samplers were stitched during off-time for the school girls.


So, I was wondering if Mary liked stitching right at daybreak, or by perhaps candlelight at night. Did she stitch her sampler in her bed, or did she relax on a chair while stitching? Did she stitch along with her friends on their individual samplers, or chatting and catching on the latest news around Ackworth?


Did she plan out her colors on the sampler, or she just used whatever floss was available? I want to think she got to choose the colors she wanted for her sampler, and that she is a rather sweet-natured girl for picking this subtle shade of pink:


But what I really want to know for now is whether Mary had any trouble stitching this motif! I was almost 3/4 done, and realized that I made a calculation booboo. I had to undo many stitches and started all over again. The motif is a beauty, but another doozie for me to stitch:


Jacqueline has posted a fascinating story on Mary. Please click here to read Mary’s story. I hope you would enjoy Mary’s story as much as I have!

Thank you for stopping by. I hope you have another lovely day!

12 thoughts on “Mary Wigham: Part 7

  1. I absolutely hate frogging! I’ve only myself to blame :p I’m working a little more on Mary lately but still in Part 1 :(

    I’m so envious when I see the wonderful progress by other stitchers!

    I’ve just finished a quilt (my third) and very proud of it, it’s all machine quilting in-the-ditch. I tried meandering but I had to unpick, the results were yucky.

  2. Hey Wendy, now you have to jot down how you feel when you are stitching this and when you stitching? Is it morning or evening? Because some one in the future could wondered how did this sampler were being stitched. Enjoy

  3. Hi Wendy,
    My goodness, your Mary Wigham is looking lovely. Aren’t the colours wonderful.

    It is quite interesting when you think about Quaker samplers. I always wondered when there were a lot of initials whether it was a little bit like an old fashion RR where a group of girls are sitting stitching happily along, chatting and they all do a motif or initials on their friends sampler.

    How is your lovely quilt going. I am pressing on with boxes lol. The end is near now or I should say nearer lol. – Sandra.

  4. Your Mary is looking absolutely fabulous! The colours are so soft and pretty.
    Are you keeping a small notebook or journal of your time spent on Mary? What a keepsake that will be!

  5. Your Mary is wonderful. Thanks for the warning about the pink motif. I wish I was as far as you are. But I will get there.

    Pat in Texas

  6. Hi Wendy
    That pale pink is just yummy! I didn’t have a big problem with that particular motif but there are a couple others that gave me fits!

  7. Great progress Wendy! Seems like quite a few folks are having problems with some motifs! I know to be careful with that first one. I can’t wait to receive my fabric (still waiting) so I can get started!

  8. Mary is looking wonderful. It is interesting to imagine what the stitcher did when she was stitching it – when she stitched, did she frog??? I think that you’re the second person I’ve seen comment on this particular motif. Sorry for the frogging. I do love the colors you chose for this – very, very pretty.

  9. your mary is absolutely gorgeous…i haven’t made it to the motif that caused you fits yet, but thank you for the heads up! mostly thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such a kind comment on my mary…it is so nice to “meet” you…☺☺☺

  10. Your Mary is so pretty your colors are so soft. Thank you for the warning on this motif. I’ve already had trouble with the first blue motif on the left side, but after I finally figured it out I had put in one whole extra triangle on the bottom side where it changes from page 1 to page 2, of all the dumb mistakes to make. I think we really need to ‘watch’ that chart on this one. I do hope overall that you are enjoying this design, I don’t know why but I’m really in love with it, who-da-guessed?

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