Mary Wigham: Part 5


Good day, everyone. I hope you are enjoying your day. I thought I would post a progress report on Mary before the weekend begins.  I have been experiencing a puppy dog love for antique samplers ever since I started stitching Mary.  Needleprint has indeed opened up the world of needlework for me like never before:


Oh, I am telling you… each time I start on a new motif on Mary, I find a new favorite color! Don’t you just love this light blue?


I also started on a new motif with ecru floss.  I am stitching the sampler as a reproduction. So, I will follow exactly what the teacher prescribes to use. Do pop on to Needleprint’s blog to see some stunning color schemes for Mary.


Thanks again for stopping by. I always enjoy having you visit.

8 thoughts on “Mary Wigham: Part 5

  1. Hi Wendy, it’s coming along very nicely. You make me want to pick up cross stitch again. I have alphabets sampler I want do one day. Mary Wigham reminds me of it. Enjoy

  2. Hello Wendy

    I’m about to start my own Mary Wigham sampler. I only found it this morning on Needleprint and fell in love with it straight away. I’m getting my fabric tomorrow and will dedicate Saturday arvo to stitching. Such a pretty sampler and mysterious too because we don’t have the whole pattern yet.

    Cheers – Joolz

  3. I understand your love for Mary, It’s happening to me too :D

    Your petite point looks stunning. I feel so much respect for those that stitch big pieces in 1/1.

    Your Mary will be a wonderful reproduction!!

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