Harrisonburg QAL Kit Giveaway!

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Hello Friends! I hope you have had a good weekend. Last Monday, I announced the release of Harrisonburg pattern to exclusively benefit the Virginia Quilt Museum, as well as the upcoming quiltalong hosted by Pat Sloan that will be happen on February 14!

In case you missed it, the announcement post is HERE should you want to read and get caught up.

Pat and I are super excited about this adventure! Of course, you will want to watch Pat’s videos on YouTube for tips and tricks in making the Harrisonburg blocks.

THANK YOU, and THANK YOU for your warm responses so far! I heard that the museum had sold many patterns. Thank you for helping Pat Sloan and myself help the museum.

Pattern in PDF is available NOW by clicking HERE.

The printed patterns are making their way to the museum. Give the museum a few days to update their website.

This design lends itself to all sorts of color combinations! I am doing mine just random scrappy, using just useable fabric pieces of blues and cream.

If you want a more controlled scrappy look, my pattern gives yardages for a total of 18 fabrics sorted into 6 fabric sets. Each fabric set makes 5 blocks, for a total of 30 blocks from the 6 fabric sets. And the leftovers will be used to make the diamond-in-square units for the border.

Pat is doing hers in the controlled scrapy layout with her Sleepover fabrics.

Info for Sleepover fabrics is HERE

GIVEAWAY — Benartex is generously giving away a kit to make the quilt in the above colorway for my followers. That’s quite a bit of fabric! Between now and 6pm on 1/29/2023, leave a comment AND TELL ME IF YOU ARE A RANDOM SCRAPPY OR CONTROLLED SCRAPPY PERSON to enter the giveaway. US ADDRESSES ONLY! Winner will be announced on 1/30/2023.

Just look at how SERIOUSLY pretty these Sleepover fabrics are.

Be sure to stop by 4 other stops for a chance to enter Harrisonburg-related giveaways!

Pat Sloan: https://blog.patsloan.com/2023/01/-scappiness-is-happiness-13-organization-a-museum-giveaway.html

Aurifil: https://auribuzz.com/

Benartex: https://www.facebook.com/Benartex

VA Quilt Museum: https://secure.lglforms.com/form_engine/s/6zsQAwU3XxENbtIYhKxXMw

That’s all for now, and I hope you will join Pat and I on this very worthy quilty cause!

Have a great week.







673 thoughts on “Harrisonburg QAL Kit Giveaway!

  1. I have an antique quilt from my grandmother. Unfortunately, it is shredded and coming apart. She only made utilitarian quilts. But I cherish it anyway.

  2. I have an antique quilt from my grandmother. Unfortunately, it is shredded and coming apart. She only made utilitarian quilts. But I cherish it anyway.

  3. What a beautiful quilt you’ve made again Wendy! I’m trying to finish up my Norfolk Sampler and would love to make this beautiful Harrisonburg quilt next. I’m both a wild scrappy and restrained scrappy quilter so it’s hard to choose which design I’d prefer. But this morning I’m feeling more restrained and would choose the controlled scrappy look. Thank you for the offer!!

  4. I am more of a controlled scrappy person but I did do a quilt where I just randomly added. It is very freeing and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it.

  5. I am a random scrappy, but I do pay attention to keep too many from the same color getting too close together. I am swooning over Harrisonburg but have way too many irons in my fire to start something new. I probably will succumb….

    • I am a controlled scrappy, but when I quilted in the 90’s (before taking a hiatus) , I guess you could say I was random everything because we didn’t have a lot of choices or larger fabrics lines. You would pick things you liked and go!

      Thank you for the opportunity. Love your patterns. Have many in my to-do piles.

  6. Love you patterns Wendy! I’m a controlled scrappy quilter. I either work with a specific fabric line or from many lines by a specific fabric designer. My only true scrappy quilts are with 1800’s reproduction fabric. I collect them so I have a large selection to choose from.

  7. Wendy
    The pattern is amazing -I purchased a PDF right after reading your post. I have been looking for a random scrappy project to hit my overwhelming heap and love the look of the vintage quilt. I too plan to use my blue and cream scraps ,as those heaps are the tallest. Thanks so much for this opportunity to help the museum with the purchase of your excellently written pattern.

  8. I am more of a controlled scrappy person! I have ONE long term project that all the random scrappy bits go in, a string quilt.

  9. Definitely a controlled scrappy quilter. Wish I could be more random – then maybe that scrap bin wouldn’t be so overflowing!

    • I go both ways depending on the fabric in my stash and the pattern I’m working on. I do love scrappy either way. Thank you for this giveaway.

  10. I try to be random-scrappy but if I pull a second red or green etc to go next to the first red or green etc, I have to find another color. So I guess I’m more controlled-random scrappy! Really looking forward to this project.

  11. I love the different variations you shared with us for the Harrisonburg quilt! I love scrappy but I am a controlled scrappy quilter.

  12. This is a gorgeous pattern and certainly for a wonderful cause! I am probably more of a controlled scrappy quilter😊 someday I will be organized enough to get my scraps organized by colors and then just “dig in and grab” what I need. Thank you for the chance to win this!💕

  13. I am random scrappy. I start out controlled, but before it is all said and done I have crossed over to random. I am looking forward to this QAL! I fell in love with your blue and white blocks when you were posting them on Instagram months ago.

  14. I am a very random scrappy quilter but on occasion I do like to do a controlled scrappy quilt too. The pattern is just beautiful. I can’t wait to start on this quilt. Thank you, Pat Sloan, Aurifil, Benartex, and the Virginia Quilt Museum.

  15. Hi Wendy,
    First time to your site! I love the info. Thank you and Pat for so much quilting fun. I am still learning if I’m a scrappy or controlled quilter. I do need things to go together but enjoy pulling from all my scraps. I dont buy too many kits with all the fabrics I’ve been given over the years. Must use what I have. I love to see antique quilts but don’t own any currently. This one looks life a fun pattern to try. Thank you for sharing with us. I’ll definitely be book marking this site with so much information and fun to look at doing. Happy quilting.

  16. I do both controlled and everything depending on the project. I always have a few everything scrappy WIPS going to use it all up. Currently, I have log cabins, strip rectangles and four patch blocks in my everything goes WIPS. In my controlled scrappy I have a long term Triple Irish Chain with a Twist WIP.

  17. I love scrappy of any kind, but tend to be more of a controlled type when making my quilting projects. I’m loving this pattern and Pat’s fabric collection!

  18. I used to be only a controlled scrappy quilter, but have found the joy of wild and crazy! I’m an “all of the above” quilter.

  19. I like a controlled scrappy. Whenever I just use what is in my bin, the result seems less lively. I don’t know if it is because my scraps are too random because I make quilts for other people so my scraps are really all over the place.

  20. I’m mostly in the controlled scrappy camp….although, I have made a few completely random scrappy quilts and I love them too!

  21. I am a controlled scrappy. Most of my leftover fabric is larger pieces and used for appliqué, so I don’t have a lot small scraps like most do.

  22. I would call myself a controlled scrappy quilter. I work from yardage, not actual scraps, and I cut strips of many fabrics (often batiks) to then subcut my pieces from.

  23. I am a controlled scrappy but just finished my first random “totally” scrappy quilt. The only thing that tied these fabrics together was color. I just grabbed and sewed and it turned out great. Went a lot faster too. I already have my pattern and now deciding what fabric line to use.

  24. Oh to be a scrappy quilter!!!! As much as I try I always end up matchy patchy…..think it comes from the years – and years ago – I fashioned my clothes including tailoring suits and coats. Always wanted fabrics that “went” together. Maybe some day I’ll get beyond that!

  25. Ooooh – can I be both? LOL! There are times random scrappiness works wonderfully but yet there are times also like it to be a little more controlled. Scraps are a beautiful thing!

  26. I think I am both random scrappy and controlled scrappy, depending on the quilt pattern. I do prefer some kind of theme, so I guess I lean towards controlled. It keeps my brain from freezing up! LOL

  27. I do both random and controlled scrappy quilts. It just depends on the project. I am thinking totally random on this quilt to use up scraps.

  28. I am definitely a controlled scrappy quilter. I like the scrappy look one can achieve by using a single line of fabric. Harrisonburg would be beautiful in Pat’s new line of fabric. Crossing my fingers!

  29. I am controlled scrappy. I love to make quilts to give to my shut ins from church. I give most of my quilts away to friends and family. My daughter in love gets most of them.

  30. I am a controlled scrappy quilter. I am not comfortable with random scrappy quilting as I’m afraid it won’t look good. That’s definitely a quirk I need to get past.

  31. I like both random and controlled scrappy, though I guess I still haven’t really made a random scrappy quilt. I do have lots of scraps begging for a place to live, though!

  32. I just purchased the Harrisonburg pattern, I’m really looking forward to this. I’m a controlled scrappy kind of girl and will be doing that style with this quilt. I have many scrappy quilts with a lot of color, and I love them all but controlled just feels good to me. Can’t wait to get started!

  33. I have lot’s of scraps, and they need organizing. But I haven’t made any quilts with them yet. But I will soon. My color is blue. I really like the quilt you made with the blues.

  34. I try soooo hard to be a random scrappy quilter … I even tried the paper bag thing … pulling out pieces two at a time …. However when all is said and done I think I am really a controlled scrappy quilter … ;)

  35. I am now a controlled scrappy quilt maker. I made one random scrap quilt and it is kind of jarring to see, so I could never gift it to anyone. I plan ahead now when making scrappy quilts.

  36. Dear Wendy, The pattern is beautiful as well as Pat’s lovely Sleepover fabric. I’d sure love to win this kit. Thank you so much, Wendy for participating. Roxy in Hudson, WI

  37. Dear Wendy, I forgot to add I am a controlled scrappy quilter because I love the way the quilt look when they are finished. Roxy in Hudson, WI

  38. I am a controlled scrappy quilter until something goes wrong or doesn’t look right and I quickly become a random scrappy quilter.

  39. Oh to be a scrappy quilter!!…. I try but am too matchy patchy. I think it comes from doing fashion sewing many years ago when it was important that “this goes with that”. A habit hard to brel

  40. I would consider myself a controlled scrappy quilter. I try to get away from being so controlled but I’m still learning. My goal though has been to use up scraps but seems like there is always a fabric that catches my eye. I’m enjoying learning .

  41. I love both controlled and random scrap quilts. By nature, I am very controlled in my approach, but the more random quilts are wonderful!

  42. I guess I’m random scrappy, because I like to use scraps from all sorts of fabric lines, but I do like to add a little order to the chaos.

  43. I think I’m controlled scrappy. I struggle with just “scrappy” because I try so hard to make it scrappy. If a piece is too like the previous piece, or too close to another piece I’ll move it around. It’s so much work to make a scrappy quilt. :-)

  44. Had to think about this for a moment Wendy but believe I am a Controlled Scrappy quilter. Can’t wait to get started on this quilt! Thank you Wendy & Pat!!

  45. Can’t wait for the quilt along. I’ve downloaded the pdf, waiting on the background I ordered to come and I’m good to go!

  46. I guess I’m both a random and a controlled scrappy quilter, depends on the “look” I’m going for. Love Pat’s fabrics!

  47. I am definitely a Random Scrapper. My biggest problem with my quilting is that I am OCD ! I have to set a timer and make myself quit for the day. (I cut out, appliquéd and quilted my grandson’s first twin-size quilt in 3 days! No, I didn’t cook or sleep very much!)

  48. I guess I do both scrappy, planned & random. With string quilts they are definitely random , but I would really like to do a controlled scrappy string quilt. I have now found a fun new website!

  49. I am pretty much a controlled scrappy quilter. Except when it comes to patterns with the 16 patch squares – then I get out a container and start pulling and sewing. Otherwise, I drive myself crazy trying to pick and choose.

  50. I prefer doing a controlled scrappy quilt, but have found that sometimes doing a truly scrappy project turns out better than I might have imagined.

  51. I think I’m a little of both, random and controlled. It depends on the pattern. For this pattern it will be a controlled scrappy.

  52. In the past I was a totally random scrappy quilter. However, in recent years I have discovered fat quarter bundles and now am addicted to controlled scraps with those beautiful bundles!

  53. I’d like to think I am a controlled scrappy quilter but it all looks pretty random by the time I am finished!

  54. This pattern is beautiful! I am a random scrappy… I might swap or switch pieces around because I do like to make sure the colors contrast.

  55. I like to think I’m all wild and free and random scrappy but to be honest I’m truly controlled scrappy and like to keep color families and patterns harmonious.

  56. I am DEFINITELY a controlled scrappy quilter!…..and I do love scrap quilts. In the past I tried the “pulling a piece out of a bag” for a log cabin and I hated it after only a few blocks. I like to have an idea of a palette even with scrap quilts. The Harrisonburg pattern is lovely…well done, Wendy!

  57. I’m pretty much a random scrappy person, but even with a fabric line I tend to add solids or tone-on-tones from my stash.

  58. Definitely a controlled scrappy person. I have even done “Scrappy QALs” using a fabric collection I really liked. The problem arose when I ran out of the fabric, having only 10″ squares and a few fat Qs! LOL

  59. I am definitely a controlled scrappy quilter. I have not been happy with the times I ventured out into the random quilting. As an interesting fact, my 8th GGF was Isaiah Harrison who came to America in 1687 and settled in VA in the early 1700’s with many of his children (7 sons and 3 daughters). Harrisonburg was founded by and named after my family.

  60. Those are such pretty fabrics. I love scrappy quilts, but I am definitely a controlled scrappy type person. It’s the perfectionist in me. I often wish I wasn’t as I’d love to try improv quilts.

  61. Definitely a controlled scrappy quilter. I certainly do appreciate the look of the totally scrappy quilts I’ve seen. I’ll be interested to see the various interpretations of this beautiful pattern so I’ll be following along on this one.

  62. Actually, I think I am both random & controlled scrappy quilter! Just depends on the day! I really love your pattern, plan to make it.

  63. Being relatively new to quilting I am a controlled scrappy quilter as my scrap collection is not that big, though I am working on it.

  64. I’m a random scrappy quilter. Every so often depending on the person who will get it, I end up with a controlled scrappy top. Your pattern is awesome!

  65. I’m not sure my other comment went through but here goes again. I like both, controlled and scrappy. I made a scrappy quilt for my great niece and she took a nap on it. I think she loved it!!!

  66. I do both random and controlled scrappy quilts, depending on the project. This Harrisonburg design would be good for either approach, I think.

    :) Linda

  67. I think I’m more controlled scrappy, I have to have like certain colors for the the most part or even on fabric that shows up in most blocks.

  68. I lean towards Random scrappy It’s all fun!
    BTW Whenever I see that a pattern is designed or written by you, Wendy, I am confident that it will be well-written! Thanks for your eye to detail.

  69. I love your scrappy blues! I’m a controlled scrappy quilter. I’m currently making 3 different blue scrappy quilts. My favorite is my blue crumb quilt. My pieces richochet all over the blocks (which are random sizes). Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  70. I love this pattern. I am definitely a random scrappy kind of person but I want to make this pattern using just scrappy pinks and reds or using scrappy red, white, and blue

  71. I recently discovered I am a controlled scrappy quilter. I have done several random scrap quilts. The fabrics are still with purpose. I have never purchased a kit and would love to win the giveaway to have a controlled scrappy looking quilt.

  72. Most of my scrappy quilts have been controlled scrappy, but hope to make some more random scrppy quilts in the near future.

  73. Hello Wendy! I am a controlled scrappy quilter because I prefer to work with color themes. Thanks for supporting the museum. I’m excited to start the sew-a-long!

  74. I’m probably more of a controlled scrappy person. I try to be random, but tend to pick & choose more. Love scrappy quilts!

  75. I’ve mainly sewed with panels since I started quilting. I think I’ll become a controlled scraper. I need a bit of order and control. I think I’ll try random to see how I do. We will see

  76. I am a “controlled” random scrappy quilter. I can do random, but keep an eye out to not have 2 of the same fabric next to each other, or too many of one colorway in one spot. The Pattern and the fabric are lovely!

  77. I love any kind of scrappy quilts! I do both controlled and random scrappy…depends on the mood! Can’t wait to do this SAL with you guys.

  78. I guess I’m a controlled scrappy quilter. My scrappy quilts tend to come from a single fabric line or at least the same designer. If I mix designers, the colors blend well, and I won’t put two similar prints or colors next to each other. I’m definitely not a “put the pieces in a paper bag, pull one out, and use it” kind of quilter.

  79. I prefer controlled scrappy if I’m sewing it. But, I love the look of uncontrolled scrappy. I’m just not confident enough to do it myself. Love this quilt and it for such a good cause!,

  80. I think I am random scrappy most of the time but can be controlled scrappy when forced! :-) I am currently in the situation where I am more forced to be controlled since we are living in an apartment in a different state than where all of my scraps and stash are. I brought some projects and am stealing from those to make scrappy quilts. It is a challenge! I like having the freedom to add whatever I want to make it work. I love the Harrisonburg quilt design and all the fabric choices so far to make it in!

  81. I am a very scrappy quilter. When I started quilting my first quilt was a scrappy mystery quilt, and that has stayed with me.

  82. I am a controlled scrappy quilter. I love your blue and low volume selections for this quilt. I have so much blue, I might just steal this idea! 😍

  83. I’ve been sorting scraps by color and size and find it’s easier to use them! I do love the random look of antique quilts and this is a perfect pattern to make. I’m encouraging my stitch group to join me.

  84. I keep random scraps but sometime do seem to have some control when I put them together. I have always had a love for scrap quilts!

  85. I believe I am both random and controlled scrappy, depending on the quilt pattern. Your pattern is beautiful and thanks for the chance to win!!

  86. I am a random scrappy quilter. I enjoy the challenge in making a quilt pleasing to the eye with random colors and patterns!

  87. I am a random scrappy quilter. I am excited about the sew along and just downloaded the pattern today. Thanks for creating it, Wendy!

  88. I like both random and controlled scrappy…I think for this QAL I will go “random” but all 1930’s fabrics…so I guess that’s where the “controlled” comes in!

  89. I love making scrappy quilts. Right now I’m working on one in the “Sweater Weather” book and another called Dots. Both are scrappy.

  90. Beautiful quilt! I am a controlled scrappy person. Some fabrics just don’t go next to each other! I once did a random scrappy quilt and had to pull fabrics from a paper bag and sew them so I could have it truly random. I still look at that quilt and want to rearrange it, lol!

  91. Love, love, love this pattern & hope to someday visit the museum since I’m not too far away in Pennsylvania. I am definitely a controlled scrappy person.. I’ve “tried” scrappy scrappy, & my brain just cannot do it.

  92. I’m loving the Virginia Museum quilt. I would like to say I am a random scrappy quilter, but unfortunately my sense of organization always steps in and I find I become a controlled scrappy piecer.🪡🧵

  93. I must admit I am a control scrappy quilt maker. But some day I will totally get rid of all my leftover scraps and just “let loose”!

  94. I am a random scrappy quilter. I have recently been viewing some videos on YouTube to be more controlled in my scrappy quilt. It never hurts to try both random and controlled.

  95. What a beautiful quilt. i would say that I am a controlled scrappy quilter but I could do random if I wanted to give that a go.

  96. i am a little bit of both. Depending on the pattern and what I have for scraps makes the decision as to whether to go controlled or random.

  97. I like controlled scrappy, but my quilt group had a “throw in all the uglies challenge” and I was surprised by how well it turned out!

  98. I would love to do random scrappy but find that I need to have an idea of what to expect so controlled scrappy is me. Maybe some day I can break out into total randomness!

  99. I try to be a controlled scrappy quilter, but always end up scrappy, but I don’t mind, because each scrap fabric reminds me of all the quilts I have sewn over the years.

  100. I really want to get to be any sort of a scrappy quilter! I’m so controlled that I’d for sure be considered controlled scrappy if I could manage scrappy at all. I have scraps. I want to use them. I just can’t let go and make it happen. Every time I try, I hate how it turns out.

  101. I love scrappy quilts, but am just beginning to quilt and haven’t gathered enough scraps yet to make a quilt. I have two scrappy quilts made by my great grandmother. They would be somewhere around 80-90 years old…worn but still in decent condition.

  102. Beautiful! I have a couple rather old quilts, not sure if they are antique. The best was my great grandmother’s, early 1900 or late 1800.

  103. I am a controlled scrappy quilter right now. I am a fairly new quilter so as I build more stash, maybe I will be more scrappy. I am excited for this quilt along!

  104. I have made both random and controlled scrappy. My “OCD” tendencies make it hard for me to be random, however! I like something controlled better.

  105. This museum quilt looks great! I have a very old quilt, more than 50 years old, but I don’t know any history on it, like who made it.

  106. I bought my pattern today. I like the controlled scrappy…blue and white, like yours. If I don’t have enough scraps I may be forced to buy more fabric!😂

  107. I would consider myself a controlled scrappy quilter. I would at least want to stick to a colorway that matched some…like all cool colors or all blues.

  108. I’m definitely a controlled scrappy person. I have a really hard time with random. I love the quilt. I’d love to make it for my sister in Sleepovers fabric because she used to stay awake with me when I couldn’t sleep as a kid.

  109. Lol, I guess i would be a controlled scrappy quilter because I get very stressed if the pieces don’t sort of don’t go together and I usually quilt with precuts anyway, 😊

  110. I am normally a controlled scrappy quilter, but I am venturing out currently with a random scrappy 2.5” square quilt to use up some of my random scraps:). I love the beautiful pattern in the sleepover fabric.

  111. I am a random scrappy. I love to buy bits a piece whenever I see them knowing one day they will have a perfect purpose.

  112. I am a controlled scrappy quilter! I would love to do a random scrappy quilt, but it doesn’t seem to happen. Maybe I need more scraps?!

  113. Hi 👋🏻
    I have been a controlled scrappy quilter but have just started being a random scrappy quilter. It’s so much fun!!

  114. I’ve already purchased the pattern and would love to win the fabrics! I’m a controlled scrappy but this would force me to work out of my comfort zone! Thank you.

  115. I am most definitely a controlled scrap person. Can’t have the same color next to each other. I just love this quilt.

  116. I am a controlled scrappy quilter for sure. No way I could ever just go with whatever fabric I picked up out of a pileorbag LOL

  117. I love the look of scrappy but, I have a tendency of going controlled with my own quilts. I need to make myself do a completely scrappy one. They are so happy!

  118. I like controlled scrappy. I have made several scrappy quilts and they are too hodgepodge for my liking. I love your blue scrappy.

  119. Wendy, your pattern is really a wow!
    I guess I am more of controlled scrappy and wondering why I keep all of these half-square triangles. Haha

  120. I am usually controlled scrappy, but I am currently making a random scrappy quilt using 989 squares with no repeats from my scrap stash.

  121. I am a controlled scrappy person! I enjoy putting the shades together! Love your pattern Wendy! Can’t wait to get started!!

  122. I am a controlled scrappy quilter, though I do love the occasional “throw it all together” quilt too. Thank you for the amazing giveaway!

  123. I do love the idea of random scrappy, but seem to have “control” scrappy needs. Just love quilting and I love your pattern.

  124. I am a Scrappy Girl! The more scraps the merrier, but I do tend to Control color & pattern. LOVE your version of this vintage pattern & your beautiful blue & white, but I am In Love with SLEEPOVER! Just love the color & pattern of this line. Thanks for supporting our Virginia Quilt Museum!

  125. I have a hard time being scrappy. My Mom always made scrap quilts, I don’t know how she did it.. I would have to say I’m probably controlled scrappy.

  126. For a long time scrappy had to be controlled – but I am working on a quilt that is definitely not controlled. Am anxious to see how it finally turns out.

  127. Wendy this pattern is amazing and I am looking forward to getting my copy. Love your blue and white version too…may be the way I need to go on this one! I LOVE the look of scrappy quilts but whenever I try it myself I seem to fall back to controlled scrappy, lol.

  128. Controlled scrappy for me. I’m sure I don’t have 300 different fabrics but I would love to mak a quilt in blues like yours!

  129. I’m both. I have made several quilts with a blind eye to color and then a pattern appears that says to me it needs to be made in specific colors.

  130. Boy, I cannot decide! I really like scrappy and controlled colorways! Beautiful pattern. I have a trip planned to the museum in March.

  131. I am mainly a controlled scrappy because it is really hard to just randomly put one piece of fabric next to another- but I’m trying!!!!

  132. I’m more of a controlled scrappy quilter. I love the look of the random scrappy quilt but struggle with doing it possibly because of my OCD.

  133. Hi Wendy–I too am a controlled scrappy quilter–though the hum of the sewing machine tries to lull it to sleep, the left side of my brain cannot relinquish fully to that creative right side!!

  134. I’m a control scrappy quilter, but I like scrappy quilts. I love the pattern that it is so versatile to use as a scrappy quilt.

  135. Most of the scrappy quilts I have made are from a controlled pallet or theme. However, I do love a random scrappy quilt like my mother used to make.

  136. This quilt pattern is so pretty. I am a controlled scrappy person. I have a hard time wrapping my brain around just sewing pieces of fabric together that don’t match….

  137. I am a controlled scrappy. Someday I should think out side of the box and just make a randomly scrappy quilt! I have plenty of scraps to do so😂!

  138. Definitely a controlled scrappy … but one of these days I am going to try random scrappy just because. Would love to make this quilt!

  139. I would have to say that I am a controlled scrappy quilter, based on the quilt I made for my mother-in-law. The majority of the blocks have cats in a variety of poses, appliquéd on unbleached muslin. The dashing and border are a mixture of 30’s reproductions, but I only used a total of 4 fabrics

  140. Hi, I am a controlled scrapy. I would like to be a non-controlled scrapy because when I see someone else’s quilt and they have that one random block or piece I always love it and wish I could do that.

  141. I am both and neither. Random in ‘crazy’ and some other styles and controlled in yet other styles. Am drawn to asymmetry along with dramatic color.

  142. I am totally random. I can only imagine what people think when they look closely at my fabrics in a scrap quilt. Anything goes…

  143. I’m a controlled scrappy quilter. I can’t do completely random ones, they look like a big mess to me and I can’t find the pattern, I need something constant to ground the whole thing and give it a structure I can easily recognize.

  144. I’m a controlled scrappy quilter. I like to balance the project and do not yet have enough of a stash to put a scrappy quilt together.

  145. Wow!! Lots of entries already, but I gotta say: That quilt is gorgeous!!! I love the colors that Benartex picked for the kit!! Thanks so much for the chance to win!! I hope the museum makes bundles of money from your quiltalong!! :-)

  146. I really would like to be a random scrapper, but the control side of me takes over. I keep working at letting go and be random.

  147. I am just too much of a control freak to be a random scrappy quilter. I love working with a coordinated bundle of fabrics and the Sleepover fabrics are just gorgeous; they are perfect for this pattern, but the picture of your blue and cream scrappy version is pretty tempting!

  148. I’d not really considered that there were different scrappy styles before this question, so I had to think about this a bit. Then I realized that since I often say that doing a good random looking quilt is really challenging, I guess that means I’m more into controlled scrappy. 😉

  149. I am a controlled scrappy quilter. The control aspect is usually selecting a couple or three colors and working with them in all available patterns, e.g., ditsy, dots, plaids, florals, foulard, and various reproduction fabrics

  150. I am definitely a controlled scrappy quilter. I have too much of a control issue to really let go, so try to at least pick colors that play well together. 🤪. Thanks for the opportunity.

  151. I am most definitely a scrappy quilter. Sometimes controlled scrappy, but mostly random ‘everything in’ scrappy! My hubby calls it ‘busy’!

  152. I’m all scrappy. Some of my quilts are random, like my log cabins or pineapples. Some are controlled like my patriotic strip or 16 patch. I go for contrast.

  153. I have only made random scrappy quilts in the past but I am currently working on a controlled scrappy quilt. I really like the control best.

  154. For me, it depends on the quilt. I can go with either one depending on the design and the scraps I have. Great pattern and wonderful project.

  155. I am so excited about making Harrisonburg and the QAL. I have been studying the pattern and love the blocks. I am thinking I would love to do it in a fat quarter bundle and maybe add a few other fabrics that would coordinate. I am more ‘controlled’ scrappy.

  156. I make a lot of scrappy quilts with my church charity organization. We have made and sent quilts to those in need all over the world. We make blocks and bring them tougher to make scrappy quilts. At home I do like to make organized scrappy quilts. Thank you for the quilt pattern!

  157. I am a controlled scrappy quilter. I have a tote full of 2 1/2″ strips and squares. But I still have the tendency to match up colors to look uniform from my scraps.

  158. I’ve always been a more controlled scrappy kind of person until Pat did the Jelly Bean block a day last March…I went totally scrappy and pulled every bit of pink and green fabric I had in my stash….OH MY…BUT it came out BEAUTIFUL 🤩. Thanks for the invite to win this awesome quilt kit!

  159. Thanks Wendy for this chance to Win!! I did a QAL 3 years ago, with Pat Sloan and used random scraps and I found I am a Controlled Scrap Quilter. I prefer the Calm that comes from controlled scrapping over the caous of random colorways and prints.

  160. Hello and thank you for this fabulous giveaway!
    I am a controlled scrappy person. Love the little bit of organization it brings.

  161. This is such a wonderful giveaway! I would love to be a random scrappy quilter. Unfortunately I’m too cautious and am a controlled “scrappy” My pile of scraps would disappear quicker if I could ” throw caution to the wind!”

  162. What a delightful quilt! I am definitely a controlled scrappy quilter. I love scrappy quilts but too much randomness in a quilt is unsettling for me and my need to be organized and methodical!

  163. I’m definitely a controlled scrappy camper. My creations are the best way I know to have a modicum of control over what’s happening in the big life picture and in my little corner of it!

  164. I’m definitely a controlled scrappy, but I have loads of blue bits and pieces so I might try random for this….I absolutely love the look of your quilt! Of course on the other hand, there is that bundle of fabric…

  165. I am definitely a controlled scrappy quilt maker – have wanted to make a “scrappy” quilt w/o any control whatsoever but cannot get my brain to wrap around such a project. Love your blue and cream quilt – that would be something I would do!

  166. Great giveaway and a beautiful quilt. It is so nice to see patterns made from antique quilts. I think I behave like a “controlled” scrappy quilter. I am an engineer, and that makes me a little regimental with my colorations, LOL!

  167. I hope to learn to be Randomly Scrappy, my eyes are always drawn to those, BUT when I try to do it I find myself always worrying about the colors and matches etc… I think I have to learn how to give up the control to get what I want.

  168. I have made some random scrappy, but I always love the controlled scrappy. I need to make one of them myself. I don’t have my scraps at all organized tho. Maybe someday.

  169. Dear Wendy, I’m a controlled scrappy quilter. I want my quilts to be beautiful like yours are! I’m waiting on the paper copies so I can order the new pattern from the museum. Roxy in Hudson, WI

  170. I am learning to be both a random and controlled scrappy quilter, I like both, lean toward controlled.

    Your pattern is lovely. Thanks for promoting the VQM.

  171. So great to see a pattern named after Harrisonburg and to support this wonderful museum and gallery. I looks like a great project for scraps but I would likely choose to do the project in a specific color way.

  172. I love this fabric! And the pattern! I enjoy making scrap quilts. I do tend to control the scrappiness by using one fabric through out for balance and harmony. Thanks for the give away!

  173. Controlled scrappy for sure! I have organized my scraps but tend to not use them enough. My goal this year is to make a quilt using the same pattern on all blocks with my scraps. Wish me luck!

  174. Wow more than 600 comments! I like controlled scrappy, going to use mostly blue and green. Thanks for the great giveaways!

  175. In this case I like controlled scrappy, I have always wanted to make a blue and cream/white quilt, but Pat’s fabric is sure pretty.

    Carol Kuse

  176. It depends a lot on the pattern. If I have a bundle from one designer and a pattern that lends itself to scrappy, I’ll definitely do a controlled scrappy quilt.

  177. I have been a more “controlled scrappy” quilter in the past. With all of the scraps that I have accumulated, I am becoming more interested in trying a “random scrappy” quilt.

  178. I am a controlled scrappy quilter, however this year I am going to give a try at random use of my scraps, making crumb blocks.

  179. Looking at my past few years of quilts, I believe I’m a random scrappy girl. I try to pull from my stash first. The controlled part might only be the background I use, but even that gets random at times. I really love the Harrisburg Quilt and plan to do that one.

  180. Honestly I don’t do a lot of scrappy but I have a large (very large) stack of 10″ squares that I believe will work and they are random scrappy.

  181. I do random scrappy quilts, most always working on something scrappy in between my projects to keep something under my needle!

  182. I am a random scrappy quilter. I look at a pattern and determine the light and dark values and use any fabric that fits the light/dark placement. Thank you for this wonderful giveaway!

  183. I am controlled scrappy in that I like to make sure I don’t have same colors near each other but after that, anything goes

  184. Definitely controlled scrappy is the way I roll. I tried a random, pull-fabric-from-a-brown-paper-bag technique once, but I kept pulling orange fabrics – NOT my favorite color. I couldn’t figure out why I had so many orange scraps when I almost never sew with it … until I heard my “friends” giggling behind me!

  185. I love scrappy, controlled by colors. I just finished a quilt top for a quilt along with purple, orange, teal. So much fun!!

  186. I’m more of a controlled scrappy quilt maker. Generally if I’m making a scrappy quilt – I would pick a colorful border fabric first and then try to stay within those colors. It’s difficult for me to do random colors but I love the look

  187. Well, I like the look of a random scrappy quilt, provided that I’m not the one doing the random selection. When I try doing it, I usually “bomb” so I have to do a controlled scrappy quilt. My hat is off to those who comfortably do the random.

  188. I am more a controlled scrappy quilt maker, but if my scraps start to get out of control, then I loose it and start cutting them up into a quilt to start getting the scraps in control again.

  189. I am definitely a controlled scrappy. I have tried random and get very frustrated, maybe because my scraps don’t go together.

  190. I’ve made a few random scrappy quilts and they have come out great, but I’m making the for charity and to worry about the outcome. I’m mostly a controlled scrappy quilter on something I plan to keep because I get too concerned on how it’s going to look.

  191. I have only been quilting for 2 1/2 years and have done both. I find that I love and need the controller scrappy. The cohesiveness to me is Amazing….

  192. was excited to view your quilt and see examples of your talent again. I shared an Alaskan Quilt cruise with you and learned so much in your classes. random scrappy is where I land for my left over bonus fabrics. Thanks Wendy for continuing to share

  193. Hi I’m more of a planned scrappy quilter. I received a stack of 4 patches and decided to make doll quilts for granddaughters and great nieces. I found where I had to unstitch several as they bothered me lol. I’m not great with instagram but am trying so I’ll definitely look you up to follow

  194. I don’t know yet I am saving scraps and have lots of ideas but I only started quilting a 18 months ago. I have so many quilts I want to make including scrappy ones only time will tell which way I go

  195. I am a control freak! The first step is awareness. I am trying to let go and enjoy a more random approach. Thanks for doing this!

  196. I don’t have very many scraps yet, and I’m not too good at letting go, so for now I’m mostly a controlled scrappy person.

  197. I have an antique Crazy Quilt made circa 1958 by Saddie Glass in Charlottesville, Virginia. Saddie was my great grandmother.

  198. Wendy, I am definitely a CONTROLLED scrappy gal. I am so excited to start on this beautiful project you have been teasing us with all your beautiful blue blocks of the vintage original. MargaretAnn

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